Some time to talk

Chu Jiayi was very busy with the arrival of the Second Imperial Prince, Zhao Shinou, the nobles became tense and met every now and then at the Chu Family mansion to talk. The trip with the children was canceled and his work increased, moreover, he had to be careful not to "coincidentally" encounter Zhao Shinou.

So Chu Jiayi had to postpone the conversation with Tao Kang about the Fen Yue issue, that he had hosted her at the Chu mansion to keep her under his control. In addition, there was Tao Kang's stalker syndrome following him to places, even in the Shen Family mansion.

Chu Jiayi understood that Tao Kang was concerned, but that went against his independent nature, after all, he was strong and had even stronger sacred beasts, there was no need for the hero to be following him everywhere.

Then after a busy week, he had some time and went to talk to Tao Kang in the courtyard that belonged to the couple. Normally the bride and groom aren't allowed to have a room of their own, but as Chu Jiayi had a modern soul and Tao Kang was very protective, the two insisted on the single room for both of them, which caused even more uproar in the small town in changes.

The two men already lived as married, eating breakfast together, having lunch with the children, and having dinner with the whole family, in addition to the games' bed that Tao Kang played with Chu Jiayi, of course, not going very far since the young master Chu was always tired and busy every day.

"I was just worried, with the second imperial prince hanging around my fiance," said Tao Kang sighing, he was sitting on a sofa that was near the window that looked out on their backyard.

Chu Jiayi took a deep breath, he knew he was thinking too much about it, but he couldn't help that kind of thing. Tao Kang was a man of ancient times and very possessive, so he often became an irritating person wanting to follow him everywhere or becoming jealous for small things, like Chu Jiayi's fanboys and fangirls, who were civilians and workers who stopped him on the way to greet and give gifts, such as flowers, fruits, and small ornamentals.

Chu Jiayi thought that protective attitude was a little cute and Tao Kang was a little tail, but in general, he couldn't allow that kind of thing to continue. As a person who migrated from a modern world, he was used to freedom, in addition to solving everything with his own ability.

Furthermore, shouldn't the hero of the world be training to reach the top? Following him would not delay Tao Kang's training, right?

This cannot happen. Even more with the new invisible enemy outside the expectations of Chu Jiayi and the Karla-03 system.

"What am I going to do with you? Don't waste your precious training time to follow me, I can defend myself and I have strong followers too. Also, trust me more, you doing this makes me think that you don't trust me "said Chu Jiayi sighing, but he had a much better face. He sat next to Tao Kang and held his big hand. Their fingers intertwined and the atmosphere between the couple became a little lighter.

"I trust you. I will always trust you. I just can't trust other people, like that Zhao Shinou. You are too attractive and many people have no qualms about trying to kidnap the beauty, "said Tao Kang in an icy tone. He couldn't forget that the second imperial prince was shamelessly inviting his handsome husband to go to a brothel.

Of course, the brothel no longer existed and it was a luxury hotel, with a "tavern" with men and women who were drinkers, there was no more prostitution.

However, the important thing is the intention of the second prince towards his handsome husband. This made Tao Kang grind his teeth in anger because it was like a challenge to his territory.

Yes, Tao Kang has a very old-fashioned thought, unfortunately, very common for men of the past. Chu Jiayi was his fiancé and belonged to him, Tao Kang would crush anyone who tried to steal him.

Furthermore, the question of stealing or kidnapping people was something very real in the Age of Martial Cultivation, after all, the strong destroys the weak and makes the laws. Of course, this doesn't apply to Chu Jiayi who is part of a strong noble family and had high cultivation.

"Are you talking about the second prince? Don't worry, it's not like I'm going to run away with him or something, "said Chu Jiayi trying to make a joke to make Tao Kang less angry.

"Don't even say it as a joke!" said Tao Kang with an urgent tone. He didn't even want to think if Chu Jiayi decided to abandon him!

"Okay, okay, you don't have to be so emotional," said Chu Jiayi, hugging his male wife who had slightly moist eyes.

The two were hugging each other for a few minutes until Chu Jiayi's body was hot enough for him to feel hot, which was quite rare given his Yin body.

"Tao Kang, what do you think about Miss Fen Yue?" said Chu Jiayi suddenly. He knows he had made an impulsive decision when he took Fen Yue to his mansion. However, he wanted to be in control of the situation, so it would be better if Fen Yue was in his territory.

He didn't think about Tao Kang's feelings about the person who killed him or tried to kill him in the past life. Not to mention, that Chu Jiayi was also facing the murderer of this original body, which was very strange.

"I don't know what to think. It's a little weird "said Tao Kang looking at Chu Jiayi's beautiful gray eyes.

"In fact, everything is quite strange. Miss Fen Yue remembers her past life too, so she was reborn just like you. The question that remains is who else has been reborn like her? " Chu Jiayi asked with a heavy heart and full of doubts.

If FL was reborn, could that mean it was possible for enemies to be reborn as well?

"Are you worried about the enemies you saw in your Book of Time?" asked Tao Kang with some concern.

It must be remembered that Chu Jiayi had lied about the origin of his memories of this world. He could only claim that he hadn't been reborn like Tao Kang and Fen Yue, but he also couldn't say something like transmigration and a miraculous system of his family, which was linked to his soul.

So, Chu Jiayi omitted some things and said some truths, he called the Book of Time which meant Karla-03 his miraculous system. He said that he had a fortuitous encounter and with that, he had access to a book of the time that recorded many stories of the world, had passed, and the future in that book of the time.

Of course, Tao Kang already knew that the soul in Chu Jiayi's body wasn't the original soul. Since he could feel the aura of that goddess he was looking for. However, as Chu Jiayi had this job to lie to him, Tao Kang thought it was better for them to get to know each other better when Chu Jiayi felt ready he would talk about it.

The only thing Tao Kang was sure of was that Chu Jiayi had no memories of him, which was indeed a relief, but a little painful.

Well, Chu Jiayi didn't know that his soul was that of a goddess, or whatever it was in his past lives. The only life he remembered was being a woman in the modern futuristic world.

They were quite confused about what the other kept secret, but as they didn't want to be too nosy in each other's lives, for the time being, they just accepted that they both have secrets and it was better to live in harmony.