Chapter 3: Anna (3)

Class has ended. I am so lucky that my teacher let me in. I would had missed a pop quiz. Yes I know the last time anyone had a pop quiz was in elementary or middle school. I know I ace it. I got up from my seat and walk to the exit my teacher called me.

"Miss.McCall. Please be sure to get here on time. If you are late again you will not enter. Is that understood."

"Yes ma'am. It will not happen again."

"Good. I don't want my A student miss a class because she can't get to class on time. That's all I wanted to say. You may go now."

As I was making my way to the exit my teacher yelled.

"Remember the report is due next week. You will find the outline and topic on blackboard. Make sure you select the topic. Once someone select no else can use it!!"

I was walking down the hall when someone wrap their arm around my neck. Only one person does it.

"Hey girl!! Ready to go shopping!!"

"Hey Kat. Shopping for what?"

"Does a girl need an excuse to go shopping."


"Don't answer the question Anna. Did you forget about the Royal Ball?"

"No. Yolanda said something about it earlier. So what about it?"

"I change my mind. I want to go."

We are walking down towards the forest behind the college where the training grounds are. I stop in my tracks from what she said.

"Seriously Kat. How many times are you going to change your mind. The Royal Ball is tonight!"

"Yeah I know but now I have very own Fairy God Aunt."


We reach to the training field. Two males are doing hand to hand combat. I see they are improving since last week.

"You know Cinderella? The one with 2 mean step sister and step mother. With fairy godmother that magically gave her a beautiful dress to go to the Ball."

"I know the story. God Aunt?!"

"Well you know the cool aunt I have that is fashion designer. Well she letting me borrow one of her dress to the ball. She said she will give you a dress too since she loves you. So she will be our Fairy God Aunt tonight. "

"Really!! Oh My God!! Hold on. You mean the same aunt's wedding you crashed. What's the catch here?"

I glared at her. She knows she better spill.

"Yes the one and only. What catch? There is no catch."

She started to chuckle which is totally fake if I ever heard one. I'm not buying it one bit. The last time we were wearing her dresses for her wedding. Kat being her crazy self. Crashed her wedding even though she is "in" the wedding. She got herself stupid drunk, spilled red wine on her white dress. Don't worry it wasn't the bride's dress, it was Kat's. Her aunt wanted to be different and designed a beautiful red dress and the bridesmaids wear white with red here and there.