Chapter 4: Anna (Oh Kat)

Then she was dancing and knocked into the wedding cake and fell on it. Then I helped her up and she said she doesn't feel good and threw up all over my dress. Guess what; Kat doesn't even remember. Guess what Kat's aunt more upset about. The dresses or the cake?

If you choose the dresses, you are correct. You should have seen her face. She looked like that famous screaming man painting. After that she wouldn't let us wear her dresses again. It wasn't even my fault. Surprisingly she didn't even like the cake. Her step mother changed the order thinking that she will like it.

I glared at her.

"Well... She just want us to promote the dresses. If anyone likes the dress give them her business card. Lucky for us the dresses we are wearing is not out yet. So we going to be beautiful. Even the noble girls will be jealous of us."

I crossed my arms. I'm happy that we will be wearing her designs. I love them but I know she is not telling everything.

"Katherine" I said seriously.

Kat sigh.

" All right. She said you have to keep an eye on me and make sure I don't drink a lot. I mean what she is talking about I know how to hold my liquor."

She turned away looking pissed. I smirk.

"So when are we going?"

"Possibly right after this training session. The more faster we get there the more time have in getting our make up, nails, and hair done. After all the Ball starts at 9."

I nod and heard my father calling me.

"Look. I got to go start helping my Dad. I'm going to see if we can leave early. Don't worry I won't flip you too hard."

I pat her on the back. I ran to my father.

"Just in time for training. Now today I want you train the advance class today. I know you don't like them but just imagine them as your little kid training class."

"That's an understatement of the year."

I looked over to the advance class part of the field. Yolanda and her groupies was there. One of them is massaging her shoulders. The class is mixed both noble men and women so I have to tip toe around them and be on my best "behavior". I turned back to my father and he said.

"Mr. Evens is still not back yet. Miss. Kent is on maternity leave so I'm going to combine my class and Miss. Kent."

He lean over to my ear and said.

"Show them what you can do. Besides it will be away to test your skills with someone your own age."

He lean back and smile. I slid my book bag to the ground next to my Dad and jog to the advance class side of the field. Luckily Yolanda was there and along with her groupies. Once I close enough for them to hear me I said.

"It's time for training" with a smirk and crack my knuckles.

(This will be one sweet revenge)