Chapter 17: Anna ( A Golden-Rayed Lily)

"My son! You can't claim her!"

His fangs barely grazed my neck when he turned around and looked towards the stage.

He growled.

"Why can't I claim her father! She is my mate, by law I can claim her!"

His father looks sad.

"My son. It is not that I don't want you to claim her, it just there are rules."

The prince started to shake from anger when someone appeared beside him and got down in one knee.

"Your highness. Your father is right. You as a royal heir has do things differently when claiming a mate. It is tradition to claim your mate on a night of a full moon. It is to honor the Moon Goddess for the pairing and ask for her blessing and protection. Please understand your highness; we are not the enemy here."

Derek took a deep breathe and pulled me by the waist so I can stand next to him.

"I understand, Mr. Taylor. I hope the other member of the council are as understanding as you."

Then his voice got louder.

"As of this moment my mate and wife is Anna McCall. I will claim her on the next full moon. I hope you all come to the ceremony. I have no relationship with the princess of the United Kingdom. If anyone have any objections say it now!"

He looked around the room and met with everyone's eyes; they automatically looked away.

He waited a good five minutes just to be sure. He looked down at me and smiled,

"Let's go chante~"

I nod my head. I don't know if I should say anything given the situation. I lead me down the hall. There were some people here and there. They were all starring at us. Once we were far away they continued talking.

At the end of the hall was a door and two guards. As we were getting close they bowed towards us and opened the door.

As we went through the door a beautiful garden was before us. Different types of beautiful flowers all around. Different color butterflies landing here and there on the flowers. In the center was a large pond filled with water lilies. At the edge of the pond was a long wooden chair swing.

"So beautiful."

This was the dream garden I always wanted. All it needs are the medical herbs and it will just perfect.

Derek lean over and his face was close. Made my heart skip a beat.

"Do you like it?"

I nodded my head really fast. I don't know how I should act around him. I mean he was a dream guy until a few minutes ago. I told him things and did things with him. I am glad I didn't tell him the deepest secret. At least for now I am safe. Just this morning we had sex. It's awkward, you know.

I feel my face is hot. I know I am blushing.

"Feeling shy now. That is cute. I am glad you like it. I made this place for you."

He lead us to the chair swing to sit. Little voices trying to get my attention. I tryed to ignore the voices as best as I can.

I turned to look at him and tilted my head to the side and asked, "Why?"

He looked down at me and smiled at me.

"Because this is what you always wanted. A garden just like this. I would put medical herbs here but I didn't know what kind of herb you want in the garden. This garden was completed last year."

I blushed. I didn't know what to say. I can't even remember the conversation we had for him to do this for me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Derek got off the swing and to picked a Golden- Rayed Lily. A small scream ring in my ear. I flinted a little. He turned around to hand me for flower.

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman. Here."

I got up from the chair and shook my head and backed away. Derek had a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

I looked at the fake watch on my wrist.

"Wow. Look at the time. I should be going. Bye."

I ran away before he can say anything. I traced back my steps. I didn't go back to the Ballroom. Sorry Kat I go to go. So I went to the entrance to leave.