Chapter 18: Derek (No One Will Mistake You For Me Again)

What just happened?

[You scared our mate away! You idiot! See, this is why I said to let me handle it.]

"Let you handle it, please. What do you know about courting woman? What were you going to do? Sniff her butt? If that was your big idea, then she would think that we are pervert and weird. Nope. Not happening."


"Seriously that was your big move. See just let me handle this."

I ran after her; going pass the guards. Her scent led back to the Ballroom. I looked around trying to find her. My eyes landed on my mate. I was so happy that I caught up with her.

As I got close. I saw that she was talking to with a woman that I didn't recognize and Dean. I'm glad Dean stopped her from escaping. They were smiling and laughing about something.

"Remind me to get Dean something."

[Agreed. For once he is useful.]

Then I saw Dean putting his hand on her shoulder. All I saw was red. I fast walk towards them.

"Hey Dean."

Dean looked up and smiled. He walked up to me half way, raising his hand for a high five.

"Hey Derek. Finally find your mate. I am so happy for you bro. This calls for a high five."

I walked right pass him. I walked beside Anna and pulled her towards me. I smiled at him.

"It seems you have found my mate. What were you guys talking about?"

Dean looked like he was about to say something when the woman next to him jumped in.

"Hello Prince Derek. My name is Katherine Stilinski and we were talking about how Dean and Anna's dance earlier. Anna thought Dean was you, her mate. This will be a story for the ages." The atmosphere around us went silent for a second.

Dean danced with my mate. I did not even get the chance to dance with her! Even got mistaken as me!


"Yeah Boss?" He looked at me lost.

"Give me back my jacket. I changed my mind."

Dean looked scared for some reason. I asked nicely. He took it off so fast that I barely saw him take it off.

"Here you go Boss."

He handed it off to me.

"Thank you." Then I punched in the face. He flew across the room into a wall; making a dent in it. From the looks of it I broke it nose and bleeding.

"Now no one will mistake you for me again."

"Oh no Dean, are you ok?!" Katherine ran up to him to check if he was ok. She turned to look at Anna.

"Anna. Can you check his injuries?"

"Ok." She started to walk towards them.

Nope not touching another man in front of me. Even if it's Dean. I grabbed her arm. She looked at me.

"Derek let me go."

I shook my head. "No it's ok. Dean is fine. This is how we greet each other. He will be up in a minute."

She looked back at Dean. "But..?"

I smiled at her. "Really he is fine. Now let's continue our talk shall we."

She took a couple of steps back; looking like she was about to run.

"Not so fast chante."

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"Derek! Put me down right now!"

"No can do love. You might run away again." She started to hit me on the back. Those hit felt light as a feather and sorta felt good too.

[WE should take her to our room. It will limit on the number of escape routes. There will 0% of interruptions.]

"That is the best idea you had all day."

[Hey I always have great ideas.]


She kept on hitting me. I spanked her butt.

"Behave." After that she stop and we made our way to my room.


Back with Dean.

"Dean, are you ok?" said Katherine

He a low voice, "Is he gone?" Dean still had his eyes closed. Katherine looked back and looked around.

"They are gone. What was that about?!" Katherins sound panicked over the situation.

"It has already begun. I should have listened to my father about his experience with dealing with Derek's father when he met his mother."

"What has begun?!"

"The claiming of an Alpha. His protectiveness and jealousy of his mate is 10x more than the norm. All I can say no more better not touch her or disrespect her. Her being half wolf may level it up a notch."

Dean started to laugh.

"Your friend will have her hands full but at least she will be well protected."