The Eldest Son of the Demon King

Approximately a hundred meters before him stood a strange looking tree. It was not very tall -- barely within two meters. It was also barren. Not a single leaf remained on it. This was a dead, rotting tree.

Five ugly looking fruits hung off the seemingly dead tree. These fruits had yellowy green skin and were covered with blotches and a layer of thin hair.

If not for the guidance from the Treasure Hunting Ring, Jiang Fei would have dismissed this grotesque sight as background rubbish.

As he ran forward, Jiang Fei very quickly scanned the surroundings. This was a valley. There were cliffs on both sides of the valley. There was no place for one to hide, so Jiang Fei was led to believe that nobody was guarding the Fruits of the Devil!

"Can't waste any time. At worst, I'll only die once!"

Jiang Fei made up his mind and sped towards the Fruits of the Devil.