Be Good! Say Goodbye!

"Goodness… The Demon Race has always been dumb. Now we have incestuous offspring. How dumb are you going to be?" Jiang Fei mumbled to himself.

"Little monster, what are you?" Dhakasoron asked with his head tilted at an angle. He poked Jiang Fei with his finger yet again.

"Me? I am a human adventurer!" Jiang Fei dodged his thick finger while replying him.

"Human? Adventurer? What is that? Is it tasty?" Dhakasoron asked curiously.

"Not tasty! Not tasty at all!" Jiang Fei said as he nodded frantically. He was afraid that this giant would stuff him down his throat as an appetizer!

"I don't believe you! I want to try! I am tired of eating dog's legs all day!"

Dhakasoron said as he tossed the huge beast's leg to the side. He reached for Jiang Fei.

"Oh shit! Huge belly, tiny-ass brain! That's all he is!" Jiang Fei's chest tightened. If this fellow really attempted to attack him, he would be done for.