Temporary Weapon

After seeing the attributes of the boss and his minions, Jiang Fei's knitted his brows. There was no way he could solo this boss.

The Dragon God clone had more than one instant-kill skill. Although Jiang Fei could use any equipment, he could not equip his staff and his shield at the same time. Moreover, his damage output would be greatly reduced after he equipped these two weapons.

However, if he did not equip these two weapons, he would not be able to block Light of Destruction and Blitz Storm. So, he needed the help of other players to fight this boss. At least one Warrior had to block the boss's Light of Destruction with the Defender's Shield, and at least one Cleric with the Priest's Staff had to activate Divine Defense at the right time so that he would not be killed instantly!

"Guild master, how are we going to fight this boss? Do we just stay behind and wait for the rewards as usual?" Lady Casanova asked.