A Mess

After entering the second stage, Jiang Fei managed to take the aggro away from Anew Returner in just a few seconds. After all, the difference in their damage output was too big. Anew Returner could not snatch the aggro from Jiang Fei unless he used Taunt continuously.

After being replaced, Anew Returner ran to the corpse of the Warrior minion and picked up the temporary Holy Item Shield. After all, they still had to stop the boss's Light of Destruction at the right time.

After entering the second stage, the boss also had some new skills. The most iconic one was Impact Barrier.

After four consecutive bolts of Lightnings, the boss was about to cast Light of Destruction again. At this time, however, the Dragon God clone buffed himself with Impact Barrier, and a shield immediately appeared beside the boss.

Impact Barrier could absorb two million damage and keep the boss immune to any interruption for the whole duration of the skill.