A Test of Loyalty

"A Galactic-type?!" Kaa'lna spat, nearly soiling herself. 

"Calm down," Jiang Fei quickly retorted. 

"But, where… H-How do you know such a thing?" Kaa'lna stuttered as she asked. 

"The less you know," said Jiang Fei as he turned away. 

"But, if there really is a Galactic-type coming, we will be swallowed in its wake!" Kaa'lna pushed on. 

"Do you really think I'll let it kill everyone here? Well… my soldiers, you, and Sarila. The others are excluded. I have a plan. In the event that I fail to fight it, I will take everyone with me and leave the system," said Jiang Fei, revealing his secret plan. 

"Leave? You can do that?" Kaa'lna gasped.