Un-united Front

What had been done, could not be undone. The soldiers made a decision to leave the army, and Jiang Fei was not going to accept them any longer. What else could they do besides seek shelter elsewhere? As the last of the disowned soldiers left the compound, the time limit for Jiang Fei to reply to the four leader's transmission expired. 

Twenty-four hours had passed, and the four leaders of the four planets were agitated. Even if Jiang Fei chose to reject them, he could at least give them a worded reply. Jiang Fei was recognized as a strong individual but in the face of four leaders from four planets, the Terran boy was still too conceited on his front. The absence of his reply, be it intended or unintended, was an act akin to a slap on the face. 

A few minutes after they confirm the absence of his reply, the four leaders went to work immediately. Armies were mobilized, and the main teleportation hub on Dhiras was turned on.