The Watcher Intervenes

"I gather that you've absolutely no idea who they are and what they are doing here," Theon said, summarizing Jiang Fei's explanation. 

"Correct. Anyway, for the meantime, I would like to invite you to my humble abode," Jiang Fei suggested invitingly. 

For now, the truth shall remain hidden behind the veil. There were things that not even his master could comprehend about the invaders. 

"I accept the invitation. However, I will take my leave soon to investigate the aliens myself," Theon answered. 

"Master, about your… ride." Jiang Fei gawked at the planet-sized Ultralisk. 

"I'll leave it here," Theon said. He of all people knew just how unnatural it was for an Ultralisk this size to be amongst others. 

A bright light flashed and both Jiang Fei and Theon were teleported back to Turandot. Teleportation of such degree was nothing but an easy feat for Theon.