The Baffling Galaxy

"You have given me your answer and now, I shall give you mine," Velon said as he nodded. "I shall give you guidance. Go to the Zwela Galaxy. At the edge of the event horizon of a black hole, you will find a binary star system. You shall find an opportunity there. Whether it is a boon or penance depends on your own judgement." 

"What? Zwela Galaxy? Where is that?" 

Velon face's drew a blank; muted. 

"Can you give me a little more hint?" Jiang Fei asked desperately. 

"Commander? Are you talking to me?" the crewman asked puzzlingly as he found his commander asking him for a hint for something he didn't know. Velon had left and this body had returned to the possession of its original master. 

"No. Nothing. Forget about it. Return to your station…" 

Jiang Fei walked past him quickly and entered the bridge once more.