Chapter 1525 Adams’decision

“What? Teacher surrendered?”Aurelia was also surprised when she received the surrender message. She never thought that her teacher would surrender voluntarily. She had tried so hard to capture Adams’flagship.

“Could it be a trick?”Aurelia immediately thought of this. In her heart, Adams was not a coward, so she could not understand why Adams surrendered so quickly.

“I don’t know, but sister, they have already shut down the weapon system and radar!”Larks said. At this time, Adams had already ordered the fleet to shut down the weapon system.

“Did they really surrender?”Aurelia still did not quite believe it. She then ordered, “Connect me to the enemy flagship. I want to ask in person. Could it be that teacher has been kidnapped?”

Aurelia did not believe that Adams would surrender. She subconsciously thought that Adams was being held hostage by the adjutant. The Adjutant had given the order on his behalf.