Chapter 1526 surveillance

When Aurelia saw that Adams had really turned off the power furnace, he completely believed that his teacher had truly surrendered.

“Order the fleet to return. At the same time, send tugboats over to prepare the surrender procedure,”Aurelia instructed lux.

“Yes, Sister!”Lux nodded and began to send messages to the fleet.

Soon, the Fifth Fleet received the order and began to return. They had a great time in this battle. They had destroyed two fleets and captured the main force of the combined fleet. What a great achievement! Moreover, not a single person from the Fifth Fleet died!

The Fifth Fleet’s losses were really minimal. Other than the destruction of some drones, there were no casualties on the warships. This was practically a miracle in the history of Star Wars!

When the fifth fleet returned to Turandot, the Aurora continued to guard Adams’fleet. Soon, a large number of tugboats arrived at the original battlefield.