Chapter 1527: Danger on Earth

After giving orders to Aurelia, Jiang Fei intended to talk to the other girls. After all, he was going to leave with Bella and Hua Mulan for a period of time.

However, just as Jiang Fei was about to leave the airport for the dawn break, a ground crew member found him.

“Sir Jiang Fei, please come with me. There seems to be a problem with the equipment in area D31!”The staff member said anxiously.

“If there is a problem with the equipment, just fix it. Why are you looking for me?”Jiang Fei was confused. He was not a technician. He had no interest in the maintenance of the equipment. Why would the staff member look for him?

“Master, you will know when you see it!”The staff member said.

“HMM?”Jiang Fei frowned. However, considering that Turandot was his territory and the airport was a military important place, there should not be any problems. Therefore, he followed the staff member to Area D31.