Angry red stretching across the landscape as shadows made up everything else.
I don't remember how I got here.
Amongst tall void-full skyscrapers. Red illuminating the windows as it reflected off the cool surface of them. The ground itself felt as if it was falling beneath me yet I was still able to walk about. My hand outstretched as I tried to steady my ground.
Where am I?
I turned left. Then right. Then left. Then another right. Spinning about in circles trying to make sense of this place, trying to put some sort of name, look for some sort of land mark, gaze upon any sense of familiarity that connected this place to one that I know.
I should know this place.
I can tell I should know.
But yet I don't?
Stop. Look up. Where are you?
The scene changed. The once vast world shrunk to a shoe box size. Silhouettes of tables and chairs and furniture that seemed to change it shape each time I look at it. The red blaring through in rays of light causing the shadows to dance high on the walls. Taunting at me. Taunting for something. But what is it taunting?
There was a yell.
A figure of a person. A concept of a person. They're pointing but I don't know who they're point at. Wait there's another. On the opposite side. Despite facing the windows they're completely black. Only an outline of someone yet their mouth screamed obscenities with the color of blood.
What are they saying? Why can't I hear them?
There words were loud, fierce, and as clean as a blade. Yet as I tried to connect the letters to their words they just fall through. Mixing about in the air as if it was static.
There's thumping-no pounding. My eyes turned to the the figure facing the window again. Just now noticing the way they struggle against something. Were they standing at a door? Why are they standing at the door? Why is there so much pounding.
There's more shouting.
One of them points. First to me, then to someone on the ground.
Who is it?
They're deathly still. Lying down with their hands clasped in front of them. No, that's not it. They're hands are tied but why?
My mouth opens. I scream 'who are you?' but what came out was "We have to do it"
'Where am I?'
"You know what happens!"
'please stop this!'
"It's too late."
The next moments were fast. Black and red flashed in between frames as I watched everything. My hands reaching down. Clasping down. But on what? The person at the door screaming as the pounds got louder. His body jumping. Bouncing. Vibrations taking up the brunt of the room. Then there was wind. My vision turned sideways. The other person hitting me. Us making contact. Us hitting the ground. The scramble. The yelling. The punching. Me shoving him off. Him grabbing my ankle. The person on the ground's mouth opened. The choking. The croaking. The groaning. My foot kicking his face. Breaking his nose. My hands scrambling. Grabbing something. A rod. No, a weapon. No a bat. Standing over top of groaning. My arms up high. Then air as I swung down.
Then darkness.
I'm back in the hallway.
My hands gripping so tightly on one of the flashlights that cracks fragmented itself on the plastic surface. I gasped for air and turned on my side. Almost as if someone has been choking me, I found myself gulping for breath after breath.
What was that?
I let out a small cry and found myself throwing the flashlight ahead of me. It soon slamming into one of the walls with a loud 'THUD' before rolling as it hit the floor. As I tried to get my barrings, I listened to it roll. Down and down the hallway but as it should have hit the wall on the other end, it stopped. The sound stolen right out of existence.
I shoot my eyes upwards to try and find where it went only to see a body.
The bulky stature of the one they call 'Vince' stood at the end of the hall. A confused look cast over his tanish skin causing me to scoff. Attempting to pull myself up from the ground as the sudden appearance of saliva began to spill out of my mouth.
"Yeah, just keep looking you fucker." I found myself saying, more so for my own commentary than to spite him.
He pursed his lips as his hardened glare came back. "You look like shit."
"I feel like it!" I replied back in a laugh.
He shook his head as he made his way down. His bulky hand fishing out a towel from his pocket and, not so gently, shoved it against my mouth. Effectively soaking up the bodily fluids that leaked out of me. Vince moved back to stand, to watch. Waiting for me to at least make myself presentable and not to look like some derange rabid animal.
It was silent once more, save for the buzzing of the lights. He looked down at me with an expectant look with prompted me to roll my eyes and glare back. A sigh leaving my lips as I dab away bits of
saliva from my neck before speaking.
"Did you just come here to watch me wipe spit from my mouth?"
"No, but this is certainly entertaining enough to be the reason now." He scoffed, a loop sided grin gracing his face causing me to frown. He chuckled, a hand going through his stringy black hair, with the other stuck out for me.
"The boss wants to talk to you."
"You mean Richard?"
"Yeah, him, that guy whatever. Let's get goin." He said as he reached over to grab my hand. Once more that same ache echoed from deep in my chest. I swallowed it down and snatched my hand back as soon as I got back up. Stroking it ever so slightly in hopes of causing it to reside.
I didn't bother looking at his reaction. Just stepping ahead of him and walking on my own. The only reaction I did pay mind to was that same scoff as he stepped along side with me. A heavy 'thud, thud, thud' accompanying me.
As we walked, I couldn't shake away the nightmare I had. Just something about all that I witness felt too realistic. Too close to the real thing. Like I must've seen it before. Or been there. But what does that mean? Where was that place? Who were those people?
Who did I slam my bat on?