
No one really knows what dreams are.

Is it just a way our brain use to relive the previous day? reorganize information? Was it to live out the secret desires our "Id" wants for us like what Freud says? Maybe it's just random neurons firing and our brain just trying to make sense of it!

Either way, no matter what dreams are. They still leave a lasting effect on our bodies, our minds. Certain imagery can stick with us. Certain scenarios can leave a rotten taste in our mouths. Leaving us to ponder the meaning behind it all through out the day.

And it appears today was just that kind of day.

"Hello?!" A rather pressed and rather annoyed tone met my ears causing me to look up. My eyebrows furrowing out of instinct. My gaze having been fixed on the floor until now.

I blinked as I stared at a fuming Richard. His hands almost snapping that pointer stick he brought in for a prop. I guess being a theater kid, he still likes to be a bit extra at times.

My eyes scanned the rest of everyone who either held similar looks or just looks of unease. The air tense yet I couldn't tell if it was because of my supposed 'insubordination' or if it was just like this to begin with.

With a gulp, I gestured my hand out for him to continue. My eyes just now scanning the wheeled in white board he brought in to make sense over what the meeting was about.

It seemed to be some sort of day schedule. Simple rotations, primarily on this floor, as well as numerous house keeping tasks. It appears Richard created routines to help ease any restlessness in his crew. Even going so far as to have times and buddies. I would've chuckled yet something struck me odd.

It appears that, unlike the rest of us, Richard set a large chunk of time to allow himself to be outside. Not just outside of these offices, no, he's allowed to be outside of the mall. Outside into the real world. Where as everyone else was stuck here.

Quickly taking a mental note of that, I watched as everyone got together. My eyes turned to Bryce who also nodded to me. Both of us standing up to get ready to announce our leave when gripping hands pulled us away. A protest started up from my mouth but was shut down equally as fast.

"Shut up. We've got work to do." The icy voice spat out, bright blue eyes throwing daggers at my form as 'Elenor' dragged me along. Presumably to where we were supposedly stationed today. Casting a worried glance to my companion, I finally found the footing to carry myself. Hauling ass after her quick pace as she made way towards the escalators. Only briefly stopping at an office just before then.

With a grunt, she practically chucked me in. My own self barely fixing my footing before I crashed into the numerous objects all around me.

"You have 5 minutes."

And with that, the door was slammed closed causing silence to engulf me and my beating heart. A pant rose from my lips as I could only meekly glare at where that woman just was before finally being aware of my surroundings. All around the the storage like room were weapons of all kinds. Some hand made, like the broom-spears before, and others were store brought, such as the kitchen knives sharpened to a T.

Realizing what I was supposed to do. I hurriedly searched and thumbed around until my hands wrapped around familiar like handles. The patch job called wrapping which I placed on both my bat and machete was almost god sent to me. Objects that felt so comforting just by holding onto them. With glee, I stood up. Adjusting my straps back on me and even going so far as to grabbing my helmet. The feeling of plush foam and the slight tint of the screen caused all my fears and worries to go away.

"1 minute left." Elenor called out again causing me to spin around the room once more.

My eyes found small bags of, what appears to be at least, marbles. Maybe 2 dozen in each? I grabbed them regardless. A part of me nagging to keep some sort of tool to help with distraction overriding anything else.

With that, I was abruptly interrupted as my partner-for-the-day's pale face popped through the door. A puff of smoke leaving her lips as she frowned at me.

"Ready? no? I don't care let's go."

"Wha-just hold on!" I cried out, hurriedly following after her only for her to snap back to shut the door. A grumble left me as I obliged before quickly matching pace with her once more. My hands gripping my bat as I stared up at her.

Her skin was almost ghostly white. A hardened look covered her face as two large scars curved upwards and either side of her cheeks. Her hair was this matted mess of blonde, hell even white, as she looked on with ice blue eyes. She wore that stereotypical 'bad-girl' look of leather jackets and jeans. Her main weapon of choice was a beauty of a machete. Recognizing that undeniable Damascus pattern on that blade. The air around not only held of smoke, but she had this air of seriousness. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to feed you to the dead if you slow her down by a minute.

She slipped on that signature gas mask of the group and soon scaled down the escalator without so much but a glance back at me to see if I was catching up. Clearly, this was her daily task with how quickly she could jump over the barricade.

I grunted as I tried to vault myself over. My limbs screaming as they just made their soreness apparent now. Yet despite this, I forced myself to follow. I wasn't given the chance to heave as Elenor jet off again. Leaving me to tail after her.

"W-what are we doing again?"

Her glare intensified before she turned back ahead. A huff leaving her lips.

"Clean up duty."