
The pavement beneath us was cracked as my eyes drew upwards at the decrepit buildings. Some had large chunks taken away, others had vines and overgrowth hanging off of every edge. Signs and glass scattered the ground as we made way around abandoned cars.

This sort of sight was normal. Lack of maintenance over the years began to show as the seams of what was once normal everyday life began to unfold. My eyes squinted as the glare of the sun shone down through whatever cracked windows were left on the buildings around us.

"Shit," Bryce mumbled as he, too, was looking at our surroundings, "The hell happened around here? Looks like the place was bombed."

"I wouldn't be surprised." I answered back, sighing in hopes of tearing my gaze away.

I could spend years walking this earth but I'd spend too much time dissociating as I look around me. Somehow looking at things of familiarity, now old and broken, made everything feel surreal. A bad case of deja vu one would say.

"You don't think they would do that sort of thing, right?" He asked yet the tone he had, quiet and almost hesitant, seemed to answer his own question.

This didn't stop our reactions though. Both Vince and I snickered, much to the dismay of our other member.


"You… Must've really had a nice apocalypse didn't you?" I couldn't help but snide back eliciting frown from the lanky man.

Vince laughed at the interaction as he swung his gun lazily about, soon placing his rifle around his shoulders. I found myself studying his features, the way his lips would come up wide in a smirk or the funny way he'd raise a brow at Bryce. Maybe I was trying to find the person who I used to know. Curiosity hit me as I lazily turned back to the other man. Allowing them to bicker about as I studied his features.

From the slight freckles on his pale face to the patchy dark brown beard. I observed his mannerisms in hopes that they'd give me clues. The way he scuttled about or how he'd absentmindedly furrowed his brows, giving him a constant 'resting-bitch-face'.

I wanted to know who these guys are. Hell, Bryce must've been super close to the old me if he tried to hide my outburst. Well, I should be considering how hard he fought way back when to make sure I wasn't kicked out of that base. While Vince… Was a whole 'nother story to deal with. Although we don't interact as much, I know that whatever we used to have stemmed deep. At least that's what the aches in my chest were telling me.

'Why Does It Matter To You?'

"Oh okay, um…" I laughed nervously, forcing myself to push out of my thoughts and be active in the moment.

"You good?" Bryce asked, obviously caught off guard by my sudden need to talk. A cold shiver ran down my back as I nodded in denial.

"Yeah I, um…" I gulped dryly, my hand coming back up in habit as I turned to Vince. "How far are we again?"

The stockier man gave me a long look. Those same golden eyes crossing across my entire features before he stopped abruptly. Without a second word, I felt a harsh grip grapple onto my wrist as he pulled it away. My eyes catching sight of blood underneath fingernails for a quick moment but my attention was quickly replaced as he practically growled.

"Do you want to get a fucking infection?"


He groaned, rolling his eyes at me. "Can you actually talk or would that be another waste of my fucking time? Fucking gouging your skin yet all you could say is 'uh? Um? What?', fucking hell you're getting on my nerves, B."

I frowned at the bite in his voice as I snatched my hand back. Immediately rubbing the joint knowing fully well the fucking bruise that'll form from how tight he was gripping me.

"Don't mind me. Just answer the fucking question."

He laughed, once more raising his brow and smirking down, as he got closer to me. Extending his arms out as if in a challenge yet standing over me. Face near mine with that shit eating grin. My heart pounded in my ears from the look he gave.

"Oh? You're being feisty now huh? Once someone is calling out on your bullshit?"

"Vincent, knock it off." Bryce stepped in, his hand pressed on both of our chest in an attempt to defuse the situation. I couldn't say I was surprised when neither one of us moved. For a hot second, that was what we were doing. Bryce desperately trying to prevent whatever fight he was imagining in his head. Vincent glaring down at me and using his larger stature like he was intimidating me. I glared back, my lips pulling back into a snarl, as my fingers began to bite hard into the wood of my bat.

Moments passed before I saw something change in Vince's eyes. Both orbs searching from side to side, sweeping across my face, as an almost… somber look came over him. I couldn't confirm it as he tore away and began to walk without another word, leaving me mighty high and confused. What's with the sudden change in attitude?

I gulped dryly, my heart felt as if it would explode, while Bryce gently patted my back to get me going. His face popping down near mine as he whispered.

"What do you think his deal is?"

"I... Don't know."

"I can still hear you fuckers." Vince interrupted in a short bark causing both of us to jump.

"Let's get the fuck going. I want to get to Jackson by the end of the night."

Both Bryce and I exchanged looks before eventually going along. His heavy steps next to my limping ones as all three of us started to move faster.