
In one day, the world turned upside down. Shattered glass and splattered blood covered the streets as cities burned for what seemed like days. In a few months, the world grew more silent. Areas once full of life now dead quiet as the screams of the beginning died down. Within a year cars ceased to dominate the streets and within two years the hustle and bustle of highways were now dead zones.

Not many people leave their safe places. Most decided where they were going to live and die within the first two years. I've heard stories of people heading to man made cities. Heard the stories of the survivors that were running away from them.

The only people left out and about are either masters at surviving or just have great luck really. As time steadily goes along, people will start to head out looking for more resources. But, as I kicked over a stray can, it's starting to look like things are dwindling as it is.

"Guys, there's nothing." I stated, popping back onto the counter of the convenience store as I watched the top of their heads weave in and out of every nook and cranny.

"If you're not gonna help then shut the fuck up." Vince hissed back causing me to roll my eyes. Soon pulling my legs up to cross them. I absentmindedly looked about in the turn over store. From the broken in fridges to the knocked over shelves. I'm sure that whatever we find here, if we find something, wouldn't be worth the trouble we're going through.

Bryce exasperated sigh soon rebounded where the slurpees should be as his head popped up from beneath the counters. His gaze caught mine as he hooked a finger on his bandanna. Only to pull it down to shoot me a disappointed look which did nothing but make me hide a snicker from him. Soon stomping over and leaning, defeated, next to me.

"Vince come on, let's go."

The man, himself, stuck his head out from the storage room grumbling. Stalking on over to where we were and began to stare at the cigarette cabinets. Once more muttering under his breath as he began to fiddle one of the beads in his braids.

I shot a look to Bryce who was just observing the other man. Too amused by watching Vince as he continued his little mannerisms.

"It's not gonna open if you just stare at it."

"Well aren't you a fucking smart ass."

"I'm just sayin, I'm surprised that it hasn't been broken in."

He let snorted and turned around with a face that seemed to agree with Bryce's statement. The right side of his mouth turning up into a small, amused smile as he placed his hands on the counter to look at us.

"What do you suggest then B?" Vince asked, leaning on the palm of his hand causing me to raise a brow.

"How're we gonna get in then."

"I don't know, just go in and smash the bars up?" I laughed, easing back a bit as he gave me a roll of his eyes. Clearly not liking my suggestion, he turned to Bryce as did I. Wondering what he'll say about the situation.

"Aren't we… Um, aren't we wasting time being here?"

"You're a bundle of fun, aren't you you fucking weeb?" Vince sneered.

"Can you stop calling me that? What's so important about getting in there anyway?"

"Ran out of Cigs." Vince said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. Bryce grumbled but eventually waltzed over, the two guys examining the cabinet for any indication on how to get it open. I did my usual observation role. Watching them grope and inspect every square inch of the metal bars.

I couldn't help but let my mind slip again. Wondering about the two boys in front of me and, once again, their connection to me. It was then that the image of that small white tablet popped into my mind. The one that slipped quietly into Vince's mouth as if it was something that wasn't supposed to be known. Was he dependent on these sort of things? Is that why he really wanted the cigs?

"When did you start using cigs and drugs and all that? You didn't do stuff like that last I saw."

My words seemed to knock the two of them off their train of thought. Their heads peeking back as they both shared a similar expression. That is disbelief. Cautiously, Vince stood up and leaned against the cabinet. Arms crossed as his face slowly eased back into that sour expression.

"Repeat that?"

"You, doing cigs? You haven't done that before."

"How'd you know that?"

I raised a brow at his question which, somehow, prompted Bryce to start talking. Also turning to face me directly. The entire idea of the cabinet seemingly scrapped as they focused on whatever the hell they were doing with me.

"Shaina, I-um…" The taller man started as his hands gripped back to his beard. "Sorry this is kinda a weird question, just remembered it now but um…"

"You know what I pisses me off?" Vince interjectedcI nodded slowly as he hummed, snapping his fingers as if trying to remember something.

"That lady, back in highschool, the music lady. The one that kept telling people to like join her class at? I can't seem to remember her na -"

"Wait you mean Ms. S from choir?" I wondered aloud, leaning forward to see if he'd give me any indication if I was correct. "Bruh, music lady? Like I know you never had a class with her but like we all know that choir was her life and joy back at North."

They both turned silent making my confusion rise more and more. My eyebrows furrowing to the point that it was beginning to hurt. What the fuck were they getting at? I kept switching my gaze between the two of them, waiting for some sort of answer as to what's happening making me re-look at the conversation we just had. Was something abnormal about that?

It took me a while, but by the time I realized it it felt like the wind was knocked out of me. By the looks of it, the other two was just as stunned as I was.

"I… I shouldn't know these should I…?" I whispered causing Bryce to nod.

"Well, at least that means you do have those memories in that little head of yours B." Vince sighed, almost as if he was relieved with the new information. Simply turning back to figuring out the gate as if he didn't just cause me to dissociate further.

I gulped dryly, my hands become clammy before they propped back up the sides of my face. My mind was racing as I tried to chase down what it was that caused those memories to surface. When I found nothing but empty space and a now developing migraine, frustration coursed through me.

What the fuck was that? Why did that happen? How did this happen?

The sound of metal crashing down to the floor threw me out of my thoughts as Vince stood over piles of what was the gate, in his hand a simple pair of wire cutters. His boots simply kicking away the debris as he begun to shift through the year old packages of tobacco products. His hands eventually fisting one and, in one quick motion, already begun to puff smoke from a lit cigarette. The smell starting to fill the tiny space all three of us occupied causing Bryce to cough out in disgust.

The calm look Vince gave as he looked back did nothing to help my nerves.

"Don't stress over it too much B. Just a matter of time before those things resurface yeah?"

With that he strolled outside, visibly calmer than when he first entered. Our roles seemingly switched now. I looked towards Bryce, hoping for some consolidation, but he just shook his head and helped me down.

"I'll help you get those memories back. But right now, we need to get going okay?" He sighed, soon following the trail of smoke out. Leaving me to become silent in the empty store. The sound of my heart came back with new vengeance that it seemed like my entire vision pulsed in time with it.

'You Don't Want To Remember Do You?'

I don't know.