Where Is This?

"Are you happy now?" Lu Mingshu asked.

Ying coughed and looked at her with a poker face.

"Can you tell me your name now?"

"Didn't I already tell you? It's Ying."

Lu Mingshu stared at her for a while. "Beiming is rather far from Xichuan, right?"

Ying nodded, but after realizing she Lu Mingshu just said, she turned to her and gave a deadly glare.

But Lu Mingshu was just smiling thinly at her, and her dimples could be seen.

"How did you know?" Ying stared at her fiercely.

"How could I not tell?" Lu Mingshu raised her eyebrows. "I grew up there too."

"Where did I make a mistake?" Ying probed, not wanting to give up.

Lu Mingshu sighed and pointed to Ying's hand. "No matter how hard you try to change them, your skills are the same as mine, so you're obviously from Nine Jade Palace."

Ying didn't respond. The three words "Nine Jade Palace" made her heart clench.