

Hearing the door open, both of them stopped the fight and sat down before the people came in.

Three people walked in.

The first one was a human trafficker, who started shouting at them to get up. The other two were a teenage girl and boy.

"There!" The human trafficker pointed at Lu Mingshu and company.

"These are the only ones left?" The girl looked disappointed.

"Yes, I sold the rest."

"Senior Brother." The girl looked over to the guy. "What now?"

"Should we just deal with it and buy what's left…?"

"But they…"

"They are the only ones left, what's there to choose from?" The guy sighed before turning to the human trafficker. "How much?"

"One sprit stone!"

"So damn expensive!?" the guy yelled. "Look at them; they are talentless and can only be used as slaves. How is that worth a spirit stone? I can't do that…."