
The crucial difference between a man and a woman wasn't what they looked like, but their posture.

This "Prince Jiang" obviously had done some painstaking work to masculinize her body language, but no matter how well one tried to hide it, there were some things that would be hard to change. For example, the way women walk; when a woman walks, they had a lower center of gravity, thus the hips would naturally sway.

Hearing Lu Mingshu, Yan Wugui observed for a moment and nodded. "With what you said, whether it's a male dressed as a female or a female dressed as a male, we can tell at a glance!"

"Yeah, and it's not a problem of habit," Lu Mingshu said. "It's the difference of our bodies by birth. Unless one changes it with magic or something, anyone who's observant enough can easily tell."

"What is 'Prince Jiang' after? What's her aim for pretending to be a guy?"

"Resources, or some other reason and she has no choice."