Sea of Cloud's Debate

The sea of people rushed into the woods from everywhere, creating chaos.

"Fuck off! Are you blind? Can't you see that I'm in front of you?"

"Stop pushing me! Are you rushing to reincarnate?!"

The smart ones, on the other hand, took their time. This is not a race, why do you need to run?

"Let's get going." Yan Wugui grabbed Lu Mingshu's hand after a huge group of people stepped into the woods.


It was unknown how big the woods were or what the layout was like. After walking for some time, the crowd started to disperse, and there were fewer and fewer people in front of them until there was no one left.

This situation was exactly what Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui desired. Their origin was unusual, and what they worried about the most was that others would find out.

Not long later, they met with a test – demonic beasts that were set to block the way.