Xue Jinxu was fretting all morning. She cleaned up her house first with the help of her vacuum cleaner. She checked every nook and cranny for anything that's possibly out of place. She also cleaned the couch and the surfaces. She had operated the lemon-scented air freshener. She was on general cleaning.

It was a Saturday. Guangxi had returned to the Old Mansion the night before. Actually, she secretly planned and arranged it such that Guangxi will not be home in the apartment today.

She had made a phone call to Mother Xue the week prior, and had insinuated, rather reminded her that she had not been seeing and spending precious time with her youngest dearest child of her, Xue Guangxi. Jinxu had exaggerated and had even fed her mother's sentiments for her youngest son. In the end, Guangxi was brought back to the old mansion for the weekends.