The white door opened and revealed the guest she was expecting.

It was none other done Chen Linyun.

As if a button was pushed, the countenance of the lady inside Apartment 301 went from pale to a lovely glowing pink.

They locked gazes. Time stood still.

The fine young man spoke. "How have you been, Milady?"

Before the lady could respond, he surged forward, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to his own body. And without any ceremony whatsoever, kissed her sweet cherry lips.

His kiss was ever so gentle, as if extremely careful not to break a frail being. He kissed gently but passionately. He kissed with all his heart's yearning.

The lady, Xue Jinxu, however was not satisfied. She returned the kiss more intensely, more passionately. She was new to this, but her instincts told her so. She was trying to deepen the kiss and devour him whole, like the lioness that she was.