So that was it. During their last phone call, in her haste she had said while bidding him farewell, "Miss you. Love you. Bye."

The moment she mentioned it today, Chen Linyun instantly understood. It was something that was left hanging from their last phone call. He had tried calling her again and again but at first she did not pick up, 'Right, she has a meeting.' Chen Linyun remembered. That same night they communicated through videocon.

The lady seemed troubled that night. "Chen Linyun, there's something I need to tell you." She started with such a serious face.

Chen Linyun got nervous that night.

"I'll get this straight, Chen Linyun. There are more suitors flocking around me now more than ever."

There was silence in the other end of the line. "I know. Guangxi told me about it."

"Chen Linyun… Please don't doubt my sincerity…" Xue Jinxu implored solemnly.

"I have never doubted you, Xue Jinxu." Chen Linyun said.