"By the way Father…"Chen Linyun had been wanting to ask, "not that I have anything against it or what, but, just out of curiosity, may I ask… Why didn't you visit us in Canada?" Chen Linyun wanted to know so badly.

"It was your mother's wishes. Who am I to go against her wish?" Chen Lingfang confessed sadly.

There was silence between the father and son.

Father Chen sighed. "It's all in the past now. I'm sorry for not being there for you, son, while you were growing up. It must have been tough on you."

"Let me make it up to you and your lovely wife now that you're here in Beijing."

"I hope that your marriage will last a lifetime unlike how mine ended up. I wish you happiness, son. I genuinely do."

Before Chen Linyun could respond, Father Chen had already stirred the conversation towards a different direction.

"So are you planning on having kids soon? I want to meet my grandchildren soon. Hurry up!"

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*