Teng Man Rui's eyes were glued to her mobile phone. She learned from the internet that one of the cruise ships of Xue Shipping capsized.

She was having this hunch, this bad feeling that somehow Shi Fan Hai was related to it. She was not sure of it, but she felt this extreme guilt.

She paced back and forth in her apartment. She was engulfed with panic and guilt. She was biting her nails, her brows knitted together.

She fetched her phone then searched for Xue Jinxu's number. She stared at it for a long while.

She tried to dial it only to end the call before it gets answered. She cancelled the call immediately after dialing.

At last she made her resolve. She called Xue Jinxu.

After two rings, Xue Jinxu's voice was heard. "Hello, Man Rui. You called?"

"Y-Yeah. Jinxu. I saw the news…" She trailed off, not knowing how to proceed. "I…" She gulped. Her eyes wavering with uncertainty.

'What should I do?'