The Chen couple was still driving towards their apartment complex from their visit to the Chen Family household.

Xue Jinxu's little and first episode of jealousy was settled immediately by the couple. They were all lovey-dovey again.

"We've formally greeted the Chen family. What should we do with the Xue Family?" Chen Linyun asked while driving.

Xue Jinxu smiled her genuine smile. She's feeling quite good despite the recent events. "Let's tell them. If you want, we can head to our house tonight. It will officially end the betrothal."

"I'm scared, but we have to do this, right?" She was staring at him intently, waiting for his reply.

"You mean now?" Chen Linyun's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

Xue Jinxu was being impulsive.

"If you're not comfortable, we can delay." Xue Jinxu compromised. "Up to you, dear." Her forehead was dominated with horizontal lines.