"Grampa, please let us be!! Please Grampa, if you love me, you'll let us be, mhhmm? Please Grampa?" Xue Jinxu was struggling out of the bodyguard's grasp. Another bodyguard appeared. They were holding her arms side-by-side in place. Her tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

Xue Guangxi stood rooted to the ground. He could not do anything but watch. He was clenching his fists. 'This treatment is too much. Why can't Grampa give in? Why aren't my parents saying anything?'

"Let's go. How about you, Guangxi?" Grampa asked.

"I-I'll follow, Grampa." He could feel his knees shaking in fear.

Grampa and the two bodyguards left, dragging the poor Xue Jinxu with them. She was screaming on top of her lungs. "Please, Grampa. NO… NO… Linyun… Chen Linyun… I'll be back okay? I love you. I won't divorce you. Don't agree to it, okay?!"

Her voice faded out in the distance.