A few blissful days passed since the couple left the Old Xue Mansion. They were living on their own, as Xue Guangxi had left the apartment. He got his own place near the university.

Xue Jinxu did not need to go to the office, since she had been stripped of her COO position. She stayed inside their house. It was an opportunity for her to rest and to spend some quality time with her husband. She had become a full-time housewife, only focusing on their basic needs, and on her husband.

Mo Wenbin was still affiliated with Tiankong Investments in the Finance Department. He still lived below them at Apartment 201. Sometimes the three of them shared dinner together, just like the good old times.

Xue Guangxi was doing well in his academics. He had gotten himself another tutor, but complained to their group chat that his brother-in-law was still better, and was even asking if he could still continue tutoring him. It was Xue Jinxu who declined him.