"I'm home."

Chen Linyun entered Apartment 301. He saw a new sight. Xue Jinxu was in front of an easel. Her hair was in a messy bun. She was on a messy state in general. She was wearing an apron, but even so, there were remnants of colorful paint on her skin, and even on her cheeks. She was painting.

The floor below had been protected with rags and newspaper. At this point, her masterpiece was still on draft. Pencil guides were seen here and there. She was mixing colors and inspecting color swatches.

"Oh, you're home early." She turned her torso away from the easel, towards Chen Linyun. She gave him a welcome kiss.

"No, it's already seven in the evening." Chen Linyun clarified.

"Really?! Oh no, I haven't cooked yet!" She sprung to her feet, laid down her mixing plate, then sped up towards the kitchen. Chen Linyun grabbed her waist.

"Hey, let me go, I have to cook our dinner." She said sweetly, apologetically while trying to untangle his hand on her waist.