"Sola!" Xue Guangxi grinned and waved his arm to catch the attention of Kang Sola, who was carrying her tray of food at a distance. She was searching for a vacant seat at the cafeteria. Kang Sola saw him instantly amidst the sea of people seated on tables between them. She blushed at the attention Xue Guangxi's gesture had caused. It stirred people's curiosity, and not to mention, animosity towards her.

"Xue Guangxi called her out from afar! Is she his newest girlfriend?"

"That girl is a commoner. She isn't comparable to Xue Guangxi's exes or to his status. How come he knew her?"

"He must be tricked! Lured to look at her! She isn't that pretty anyway."

Most of the university girls who saw the commotion caused by Xue Guangxi murmured in annoyance. Kang Sola consciously traversed row per row of tables in cafeteria while praying deep inside to become invisible right that instant. She could sense the deadly gaze of all the girls there.