Xue Guangxi freed Kang Sola's wrist then stood up at one of the benches. He clapped three times while calling everybody's attention.

"Guys, guys hear me out, please!" He raised his hand, grinning. He turned and faced each side.

The three girls who bullied Kang Sola had left the restroom and were also waiting to hear his announcement.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Well, it's nothing much, really. I just want to tell you guys that whoever lay a finger on my people will have to answer to me." He said to everyone, still grinning, trying to make eye contact to as much students as possible.

If no one had heard his statement, if it's muted and was purely visual, it would have been mistaken as a well-intended speech simply because of his bright and grinning façade. However, there seemed to be an underlying threat in his tone and words.