"Young Miss, I received some bad news from your house. I need to inform you of it." Yin Yue said to Teng Man Rui one day, emerging from the shadows.

"What is it?" Teng Man Rui's whole persona was laced with apparent concern.

"Your parents, the master and madame, they encountered some peril on the roads while they were traveling in the countryside. Bandits."

Teng Man Rui's eyes flickered. "Where are they now? Why is your report incomplete? What happened to them, specifically?" She pressed.

"They're back in Beijing. The reinforcements were quick to act, and had transferred them immediately through chopper. They were slightly wounded."

"Slightly wounded? Define it!" Teng Man Rui was getting worked up.

"Some abrasions, as I was informed, Miss." Yin Yue reported. "Their blood pressure is being checked and monitored closely right now, and they are to subject to complete medical check-up."

She clenched her fists in deep thought. 'I have to see them for myself.'