Xue Guangxi went home to the Old Xue Mansion one Saturday to spend some quality time with his family. Honestly speaking, he only went after his mother's incessant nagging.

He was quite affected by the recent banishment of his sister. He could not see the sense of it all. He was pissed, at the very least. His confidence and faith on his family's principles, and values as one solid unit had faltered greatly. To add more to this, he's a teenager who's experiencing natural hormonal changes which made him more irritated and rebellious.

At the Xue Mansion…

"Guangxi, you haven't been home for a months. It's good that you have the time. You should make time for your visits!" Father Xue castigated him over lunch.

"It's fine. Don't scold him. I'm sure he's busy. Oh, my youngest child is almost a grown up now." Mother Xue endearingly addressed Guangxi while stopping Father Xue's rants.