The Chen couple was in their living room, passing the time at their leisure while drinking tea one afternoon at Apartment 301 when the door bell rang.

It was Butler Lee.

"Come in, come in." Xue Jinxu led him in.

"What brought you here, Butler Lee?" Chen Linyun asked.

Xue Jinxu served tea in the living room.

Butler Lee's face looked grim. "Mr. Chen, Big Miss…" He started explaining the purpose of his visit. "I came here on my own accord, out of my concern for our Second Young Master."

The Chen couple instantly felt alarmed, especially Xue Jinxu. "What happened to Guangxi?"

"After you left, the COO position was assigned to a management expert they hired from outside. The new COO had been powerplaying with Guangxi, and hiding behind the rationale that he should not receive special treatment only because he's part of the owners, and should welcome constructive criticism from his older and more experienced peers. He was being bullied."