Xue Guangxi was not moving for the longest time. He seemed to be sleeping. He was lying on his back, with his head phones on. His arms and legs spread out on the grass, at a nearby lake.

He was oblivious of his surroundings. He did not know that there was a girl not too far, watching him from the shadows.

The girl seated herself a safe distance away from Xue Guangxi. She was hugging her flexed knees while watching him. She seemed to be troubled. Although she was watching him closely, it seemed that she did not have any plans of approaching him.

After a while she went away quietly.


Kang Sola was riding her bike along the road one windy afternoon. Upon reaching the area near the lake, she saw a familiar figure sprawled on the grass near the lake's edge. 'It's Xue Guangxi.'

She decided to check on him. Guiding her bike, she descended from the highway to the lakeshore. It was around half past three in the afternoon.