Xue Jinxu notified Guangxi of her intent to transfer Su Jingjing in a women-and-children shelter at the outskirts. She will be more taken care of there, while being able to get watched by them, instead of staying suspiciously and inappropriately in a hotel room.

Xue Guangxi did not care the least.

His main concern now was not Su Jingjing, but, surprisingly, was… Kang Sola.

Kang Sola!

The kiss they shared served as if like a switch and an eye-opener to something he had initially not thought was possible.

He had not known himself. He's so into Kang Sola!

He had not realized it himself because he thought that he had not yet moved on from Su Jingjing all this time. He thought, even if he had been changing girlfriends, it had always been Su Jingjing that was in his heart. It was turning out now that he was wrong.

All he felt for Su Jingjing was such overbearing sense of betrayal and nothing else. There was no flame or spark left whatsoever between them.