At Apartment 301.

The Chen couple was seated comfortably in the living room couch one afternoon.

"Xue Jinxu… It's the time of the year again. I need to travel soon."

Because of his company's growth, they had hired employees to work under them. Chen Linyun needed not to travel a lot that frequently because his subordinates could do that for him. However, he needed to check personally for himself the growth of the farms they were partnered with, and to personally oversee the expansion of his business into other related industry such as livestock and poultry. He also wanted to touch base with his business partners who trusted him and his business programs when he was just starting up almost a year ago.

Xue Jinxu was engulfed with extreme sadness. This would be the first time that they would be separated physically after their marriage.

"Can I go too?" She said.

"No. The travels are rough."