Teng Man Rui, feeling their closeness, was aware of where the reality was heading, although she said in her mind, 'He earned it. Just this once. At least, I can give him as much as this. He's a good guy and all… But…' She narrowed her eyes while they continued to dance the night away.

"Teng Man Rui..." Zhu Li Qiang whispered solemnly.

"Man rui..." He repeated softly.

"Mhmm?" said the lady.

"I love you."

Teng Man Rui's body froze on the spot. Her back stiffened and all movements halted. She lifted her head to look at the man's eyes.

There was evidence of fear, nervousness and uncertainty on his eyes. it was the face usually worn by diligent students who were waiting for the results of their examination. He was agitated, yet hopeful.

"You don't have to answer right now, Man Rui. Just knowing that you're actually trying to get to know me, and giving me a fair chance is enough for me... But of course..." He left it hanging, his eyes pleading in his stead.