"I'm sorry I did not intend to spout these things tonight. I must have been losing my head. I'm sorry, am I ruining our date? I'm really sorry." She said while intermittently looking at him but most of the time, keeping her head bowed down. "It's just that, it's really too overbearing already that I thought I should let it all out in the open once and for all. You deserve to know, too, how I'm taking it. You're a friend first, after all."

"Don't apologize. I appreciate the effort of you opening up to me and being honest. This is good – having an open communication." Said the man in response to her little speech.

"I have to apologize too, if I had been putting unnecessary pressure on you. I don't want you to ever get inconvenienced by me, believe me."

"I… I don't know what to say, actually…"