Without answering, Chen Linyun frantically went after Xue Jinxu towards the direction of the bathroom.

The door wasn't locked. Probably in her haste, Xue Jinxu failed to secure and lock the door. Chen Linyun entered and saw a weak Xue Jinxu who was almost hugging the toilet bowl and throwing all her stomach's contents. Her forehead was matted with sweat, and was almost devoid of energy, yet her stomach was still not finished in emptying its content.

Chen Linyun repeatedly rubbed the wife's back soothingly with his palm. "Jinxu, are you alright? Are you hurt? Where else are you feeling ill? Should we go to the nearest hospital?" He bombarded her with questions. But there's one question left unsaid - the one he wanted to ask the most. 'Are you pregnant?'

Xue Jinxu's throwing up session almost concluded. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and groggily tried to stand up. Chen Linyun supported her with his own arms and body.