"Bye, Xu-jie, Brother-in-law!" Xue Guangxi waved as Chen Linyun's car sped away and faded at a distance.

His smiling face slowly revealed a scowl.

In truth, Xue Guangxi had been pissed off since early on, when they were still at Sanya airport.

The group of seven went home together after their vacation for a few days at Yalong Bay in Sanya in the Southern part of China. At Beijing airport, they parted ways and went into different directions, bringing with them the memories and camaraderie that developed among them. The Chen couple went with Guangxi to drop him off at his flat, while Mo Wenbin and Zhu Li Qiang went with Hwang Meilin and Teng Man Rui, respectively, to send the ladies home. Mo Wenbin also pledged to confront his mother for the little incident she caused through inviting Hwang Meilin.