He sighed. "I thought before that the Shi boy would be a perfect match for her. They were easy-going when they were younger. Now they want to literally kill each other."

"They knew each other before the engagement?"

"Of course. They shared the same kindergarten."

"But she told me she didn't know who she's betrothed to." He mumbled under his breath, deep in thought.

Grampa heard his mumblings and was too accommodating to explain. "She didn't even care to know who she was betrothed to. Never asked the name of the person we arranged for her. She wasn't interested." He snorted. "Such stubbornness!"

"And most probably she has forgotten about him altogether."

"The boy left young when their whole family moved to South Korea." He continued. "When Jinxu assumed the position in the company, she changed. She became almost a different person, and it was quite understandable. The situation called for such changes."