It was the sound of a mobile phone hitting the ground.

The person who dropped it was still in shock, unmoving, a hand hovering her gaping mouth, with eyes wide open but not seeing. She started trembling, and with the fall of her tears, she threw herself headfirst onto her bed and wailed. With face buried, and pillows drenched in her tears, she clenched her chest and wept some more.

Teng Man Rui had just gotten the news about the Xue siblings' accident.

Quivering, and with all her energy expended from the crying, she felt weakened, yet she could not stop crying until her head suffered from a splitting ache, and no more tears escaped her eyes. She whimpered, tearless, while still clutching her deeply hurting heart.

Was it just a few days ago when they parted ways?

She could still vividly remember every moment of it.