Xue Jinxu sniffed her husband's chest and found home contentedly.

The Chen couple were lying side-by-side in Xue Jinxu's hospital bed, cuddling. They were making up for the three weeks of stress and anxiety-filled daily lives, or at least to Chen Linyun.

The wife was drawing invisible circles onto Chen Linyun's forearms while the husband stroked her hair lovingly, a lock of her hair intertwined between his fingers.

Chen Linyun's arm was underneath the lady's neck while the other was wrapped around her waist.

They were satisfied even without speaking. Once in a while the lady would look up to meet his eyes, cheeks blushing, smiling, and with the lashes flickering with such femininity exclusive to Missus Chen alone.

Chen Linyun's eyes shone brightly as if a fire had ignited it as if life had returned to him. True enough that was the case, because Xue Jinxu was his life, his one, and only love.

"You'll be discharged in a few days." Chen Linyun brought up.