
With one arm across her waist and the other, his left hand tightly gripping Xue Jinxu's left hand, Chen Linyun guided the blind-folded lady along cobblestones and steps.

Xue Jinxu was finally released from the hospital. Before they left, Chen Linyun insisted on blindfolding the lady.

It was the twelfth of June.

The couple traversed the pathway and steps and took left and right turns until they consequently stopped. "Are we there yet?" Xue Jinxu asked, a lingering smile on her face.

Without removing the blindfold, Chen Linyun wrapped both his arms around the lady's waist in a back hug and whispered to her ear enigmatically. "Do you know what day is today?"

Xue Jinxu let out a laugh. "The day I get discharged from the hospital?"

"That's correct. But there's a more accurate one." He whispered sensually on her ear. "Think harder."

"I can only think of one more special event in June. Time flies so fast. Is it already?"