"If I know what love is, it is because of you."

"Mhmm? What's that?" Chen Linyun lifted his head to take peek on the lady that was lying on top of him, arms crossed at his chest, and resting her chin on it.

Xue Jinxu blinked several times. "Hmm?" She was distracted from her reverie and was pulled back down to earth by her husband's voice.

She folded her legs at the knees leisurely while the husband made a makeshift pillow with his left arm.

"Oh, nothing." She blushed while shaking her head vigorously. "Can we stay like this forever?"

Chen Linyun's lips curved upward.

"Anything for you, wifey. But I think I heard you mumble something?" He pressed while admiring her rosy vibrant cheeks, her jet-black hair, her almond eyes that were at this instant, wide open with interest and alertness.

In his eyes, she's still the goddess that he fell in love with more than six years ago.

The lady glanced at him, locking gazes with him.